Hello Everybody, Hope you all are doing fine.
So, this post is about a fascinating stuff on the popular social network Facebook!
Everyone loves to play Chess: The game of wisdom! Did you ever imagine that you can play chess with any friend on Facebook while chatting with them?
Recently this fantastic trick to play chess with messenger is discovered. It replicates the traditional chess board, with the 64 black and white boxes and with the usual 20 set of white and black pieces each.
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You will be surprised to know that not only you can play chess with your friend 1:1, you can also include some audience to watch the game live from their account!
You can resign, abandon or offer a draw or even offer to undo of a move like what you do on a traditional chess app.
Let’s explore the details of the FBCHESS, the secret chess game on our loving social network!
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What is FBCHESS?
FbChess is the name of the so-called Chess Game available to play inside messenger.
Using FbChess, you can instantly start playing chess with any of your Facebook friends.
You can either initiate a game inside a 1:1 chat or against an opponent inside a group chat. For group chats, the remaining members will be the audience and can see the game. Isn’t it fun?
How to Start Playing FBCHESS?
To start playing FBChess, just open a chat with any person on Facebook, and in the chat box, type the following command:
@fbchess play
Surprise: A chess board will load inside the chat! 😀
It will be like this. Refer to the picture below.
Well, this chess board is supported in web browsers and Facebook Messenger app.
It is not supported via mobile browsers. I tried accessing it with the chrome mobile browser, so far the best mobile browser for Android, but unfortunately, it does not load there correctly.
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Help / Rules to play FbChess:
Well, unlike the traditional mobile or computer chess games, on this platform, you cannot move your chess pieces using touch response or mouse click.
The chess board that loads inside the message box is actually in a picture format and is not responsive.
So you need to use some easy commands to play the chess with your friends. The list of commands are given below, just type them and click send.
Starting The Game:
1. To just initiate a game with your opponent instantly, use this command:
@fbchess play
2. To start a game choosing your color of choice, use this command:
@fbchess play <color name>
To play as white, use this command: @fbchess play white
To play as black, use this command: @fbchess play black
3. Suppose you are inside a group chat and want to play with an opponent, use this command:
@fbchess play white <player name>
To play with Rudy choosing as white, use command: @fbchess play white Rudy
To play with Aakash choosing as black, use command: @fbchess play black Aakash
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Making the Moves:
1. To make a move instantly, use this command:
@fbchess <target location>
To move to block a3, use this command: @fbchess a3
To move to block b5, use this command: @fbchess b5
2. To specify which type of piece to move to a specific location, just use the following command:
@fbchess <first letter of the piece><target location>
Here are the first letters to be used:
King: K
Queen: Q
Rook: R
Bishop: B
Knight: N
Pawn: P
Note: For Knight, the first letter of the piece is ‘N’ and NOT ‘K’ as K stands for King.
To move Pawn to a5, use this command: @fbchess Pa5
To move Knight to f3, use this command: @fbchess Nf3
3. Now there are 8 Pawns and two each of Bishops, Rooks, and Knights. To specify exactly which piece to move, use this command:
@fbchess <first letter of the piece><rank or file of the piece><target location>
To move the Knight from file b to d2, use this command: @fbchess Nbd2
To move the Bishop from rank 8 to f5, use this command: @fbchess B8f5
4. To Take on Opponent’s piece, use this command:
@fbchess <first letter of the piece><rank or file of the piece>x<target location>
To take on c5 with Bishop of rank 2, use this command: @fbchess B2xc5
To take on b2 with Rook of file h, use this command: @fbchess Rhxb2
5. To promote a pawn to your desired piece, use this command:
@fbchess <location of the pawn>=<First letter of the promoted piece>
To promote Pawn at location e8 to queen, use this command: @fbchess e8=Q
6. To castle king towards left or right, use this command:
@fbchess 0-0-0
@fbchess O-O
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In Between Game:
1. To show the current position of the game, use this command:
@fbchess show
2. To display the stats between current players inside a group, use this command:
@fbchess stats
Ending the Game:
1. To Claim a Draw, use this command:
@fbchess draw claim
2. To Offer a draw in the current position, use this command:
@fbchess draw offer
3. To Offer an undo of the last move, use this command:
@fbchess undo
4. To Resign, use this command:
@fbchess resign
Continue Matches:
1. To Continue a game instantly, use this command:
@fbchess continue
2. To Continue a game from 1:1 conversation, use this command:
@fbchess continue with <friend name>
3. To Continue a game from group chat, use this command:
@fbchess continue from <thread name>
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That’s all about the rules in details. Don’t get confused, just read it once or twice you will easily remember it.
Now, what are you waiting for, just start playing chess with any of your Facebook friends.
Thanks for reading our post about how to play the secret game of chess inside Facebook Messenger Chat.
I sure you got to know something new and enjoyed it. Do share it on Facebook with your friends and help them try it out too. 🙂
If you have any queries or just want to thank me, you are free to do so via the comments section. I read and reply to every comment with care.
See you soon with something more amazing! Meanwhile, before going away, be sure to check out some of our other posts! Take care!
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Tags: facebook

Nirmal Sarkar is a Biotechnologist from the city of Joy, Kolkata. He is the founder of this blog and covers a wide range of topics from Gadgets to Software to Latest Offers. You can get in touch with him via nirmal@hitricks.com
How do you take a pawn in passing ?
whats the reply command when you have received an undo request?
@fbchess Yes or No.
How do you choose which castle (Left or right) to castle with?
How do you choose with castle(left or right) to castle?
Choose @fbchess 0-0-0 for left castle.
and choose @fbchess O-O for right castle.
Thanks 🙂
nice working great in fb messenger…