Guide: How to Send Voice Audio Tweets on Twitter?

Want to send a tweet, but at the same time, you don’t want to type the long message? Well, don’t worry! Twitter has finally brought ‘audio tweets’ allowing you to send voice audio tweets on Twitter.

Twitter is a microblogging platform where you can send short posts, known as tweets. It started as a text-based communication platform through SMS. So, initially, the limit of each tweet was 140 characters. In 2017, Twitter increased it to 280 characters.

Three years later, in 2020, we see a new way to tweet around: Audio Tweets. Twitter has made it easy to send long tweets in a short and straightforward style using audio, just like we do on Whatsapp.

Well, this Audio tweet feature is currently available only for iOS users, and there are no words on Android as of now. If you have an iPhone, then you can easily use this feature to send a message to your friends without typing a text. In the coming few weeks, all the iOS users will be able to use the audio tweet feature.

In today’s post, let’s have a look at this new feature and discuss how you can send voice audio tweets using Twitter.

Twitter Voice Audio Tweets:

Audio Tweets feature allows the users to record up to 140 seconds (2 minutes 20 seconds), and then you can send the tweet. If the message is longer than 140 seconds, then a new audio tweet will be recorded automatically. So, two audio tweets will be sent to the other user. The followers will also see the audio tweet on their timeline along with text, photo and video tweets. If you want to listen to the audio tweet, then just click on the image.

The time limit of recording a tweet is by default, so we can’t change it.

  • Audio tweets will be shown on the timeline as Tweets with audio attachments, and people can play the audio.
  • Your current profile picture will be shown on your audio.
  • Clicking on any voice tweet will play the audio message.
  • When you click on play, the audio dock will be minimized automatically, and it will be seen on the bottom of the screen. With this, you can scroll through twitter and listen to the audio at the same time.

So, this was all about audio tweets.  Now, let us check out how to use this Audio Tweets feature and send an audio tweet.

How To Send Audio Tweets On Twitter?

If you are one of the regular Twitter users on iOS, then you can use this audio tweets feature. Let us check out how to send voice audio tweets on Twitter. Make sure you have the latest version of the Twitter app on your iOS device. If you don’t have then go to App Store and update it to the newest version.
Follow the given steps and send audio tweets.
  • First of all open the Twitter app
  • Click on Compose a new tweet
  • Now, click on the purple wavelength icon which is at the bottom of the window
  • With your profile picture, a new window will be opened
  • Click on the red record button
    How To Send Audio Tweets On Twitter?
  • Now, start recording up to 140 seconds
    How To Send Audio Tweets On Twitter?
  • Click on Done, once you finish recording.
    How To Send Audio Tweets On Twitter?
  • When you are ready to tweet the audio, tap on Tweet to send.
    How To Send Audio Tweets On Twitter?

Once you finish recording, you will see the option to add tweet text or start a thread with multiple tweets. As we have told you, you can record up to 2 minutes 20 seconds, and if your message is longer than the second tweet will start automatically.

NOTE: As of now, only original tweets can be recorded as voice tweets. You cannot replies through audio tweets or retweet it with comment.

Last Words:

So, this was all about using Twitter to send voice audio tweets. We have tried our best and explained to you how to use this feature. Also, remember that this feature is now available only on iOS. So, all the iOS users start sending tweets with Audio Tweets feature. If you feel this audio feature is beneficial, then do share this article with your friends and ask them to start using audio tweets feature.

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Farhan Shaikh

Farhan Shaikh, a part-time blogger and tech enthusiast. Love to share articles and news about technology. Farhan shaikh is presently putting writings skills efforts on techviral. I hope you find my articles valuable.

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