If you are reading this article, we can deduce that you are a young entrepreneur interested in your business’s medium and long-term success. The competitive market we all have to navigate makes it quite challenging to develop new businesses, and one solution that more and more people are turning to is contacting a firm specializing in search engine optimization.
Proper search engine optimization represents a complex set of methods that can raise your company to the level it deserves. And one of the main ways SEO is implemented is through professional link-building strategies. But what do link-building services mean, and why are they relevant to your situation? The following article will try to answer these questions and more.
Why are Link-Building Tactics Crucial for the Growth of a Business?
The professional link-building services of an SEO firm like GAMIT SEO Agency are some of the most effective and versatile elements that can enter the arsenal of a business interested in success in the SERPs. A link-building plan is essential because, for Google, backlinks are the networks that denote the quality of a site’s content, while for users, they are the means by which they can learn directly about the content posted on a domain.
Google can consider a site that benefits from a high number of backlinks as an authority domain, which has the potential to improve your performance in the SERPs. In addition, a site that attracts a high number of links will attract a high percentage of people interested in the services being marketed, which can translate into increased revenue.
Nevertheless, before implementing a tactic that uses link-building services, it is necessary to identify the parts of your website that need future improvements and to engage in keyword research for your field of activity. In this instance, calling in an SEO expert can be an excellent idea. They will probably analyze your competitors and identify the main backlinks they have access to and the primary keywords they use in articles or descriptions on their site.
You will need to do an in-depth analysis of your target audience, identify the demographics of the people who may be influenced by the change in content writing strategy implemented, and, last but not least, you will need to do an audit of your content to identify the main themes that have the potential to suffer an improvement in SERPs ranking. But what concrete actions can be taken to create quality link-building strategies?
Optimizing Your Content:
The Google core algorithm updates in recent years have changed the relevancy and importance of acquired links. It is no longer enough to benefit from many backlinks as the quality of the sites that provide them is also considered. And to benefit from backlinks from authority sites, the content you create must be top-notch. But what does top content mean? Quality content is original, well-researched, respects basic formatting and grammar rules, and does not spread false or outdated information.
What kind of content we are talking about depends on your field of activity. The articles on your site must be relevant to your area of expertise because they will attract views and potential customers. If the rest of your site does not match the articles written, the people accessing your services will not be interested in making a purchase.
Calling on a specialist SEO company with a separate team of content writers can be an excellent way to fill your website with professional articles designed to improve your ranking in the SERPs. Over 65% of all websites on the internet do not benefit from any backlinks, and this is due to several factors. An article that does not follow the rules imposed by the E-A-T algorithms will never be relevant enough to be cited by potential sites, which has a devastating effect on the position of those pages in the search engine rankings.
Copy Your Competitor’s Backlinks:
One of the simplest but most effective ways to get a significant number of backlinks is to implement an analysis of your competitors. Your rival sites operate in the same field of activity as yours, so the links they have access to will also be relevant to the content already on your site. Programs such as Ahrefs, SE Ranking, or Majestic can be used to identify these backlinks. Once you have identified the pages that can provide you with potential backlinks, contact their webmaster and propose a future collaboration.
Your proposal should also include a small portfolio of a few articles or descriptions that are already on your website. You must, first of all, come up with a differentiating element that will bring something extra compared to your competitors. But in any case, in most instances, your proposal will probably be accepted because a link-building relationship is mutually beneficial for both parties. The site that will repost your content will benefit from quality content. At the same time, you will have the opportunity to increase your DA score in programs such as SEMrush or Ahrefs, as well as in the algorithms implemented by Google.
Focus on Long-Form Content:
If you look at the content of the articles encountered on the first pages in the SERPS for any search term, you will probably notice that most of them are composed of long-form content, generally over two thousand words long. The reason is simple: long-form content is more beneficial for implementing a professional SEO strategy than short-form articles. Long-form content receives, on average, 77% more backlinks than shorter media, which translates into more interactivity with the services or products on the site, and a better ranking on search engine pages.
Suppose you comply with E-A-T standards and produce quality content relevant to your field of activity. In that case, long-form content can give you an advantage when it comes to the perceived value for potential re-posters. The link-building strategies offered by a quality company will focus on optimizing content with a minimum length of fifteen hundred words because they attract the most social media shares, benefit from the best CTR, and, last but not least, retain the most significant percentage of users’ attention. Google favors longer content because it generally presents more detailed information, which is more desirable for readers because it allows them to get all the information they need from a single source.
Perform a Technical Analysis of Your Backlinks:
Any company specializing in link-building services will first and foremost have to analyze those backlinks already existing on your site for potential errors. It can happen that content that once worked as it should have been affected by an update, and now the links you benefited from being inactive. Technical analysis of the backlinks you profit from can reveal broken hyperlinks or URLs that redirect the user to pages that are now irrelevant.
Another aspect that should be checked is whether the links on your site have switched from HTTP to HTTPS, which can affect your ranking and the one of the websites providing you with potential backlinks. If errors are identified, you can contact the webmaster of the websites that host your links and suggest they insert new connections to the optimized content on your pages.
Nevertheless, complete link-building strategies don’t just stop at optimizing links from other pages but can also be influenced by other elements, such as featured snippets or knowledge graphs. A complete link-building campaign will also focus on creating and editing graphical elements on the site. Images and especially infographics are an ideal way to attract a new number of visitors, as they stand out in a text and are of high interest to potential re-posters due to their informational value.
Connections are Important:
As in most industries, in the SEO world, one of the best ways to get your content known is through the connections you can form with other authorities in your area of expertise. A professional link-building services company should consider using social media, posting and promoting your services in private groups, and inviting guests to write on a separate blog that contains backlinks to your website.
An excellent way to receive recognition and get traffic to your website is by writing blog posts for people in the same field of activity as you. In turn, they can do the same for your blog. This is a good way to open up opportunities for the content you post and to improve your ranking in the SERPs.
The Most Important Thing is the Content:
All the link-building strategies in the world can’t match the most crucial aspect of your website, which is the content posted on it. Whether short or long, to benefit from backlinks from other sites, it is necessary that the content you write is of an appreciable quality worth reposting. Good link-building services implemented by a professional search engine optimization company may differ, but they all ultimately have the same goal. Increasing the rankings of your website in the SERPs while attracting a new set of potential users.
And SEO is the best way to increase the profit generated by your website because, compared to other advertising methods, it primarily tries to shape the content of the site to be more relevant to both search engine algorithms and the user, which in the end, can only translate into an organic and sustainable increase in traffic.

Nirmal Sarkar is a Biotechnologist from the city of Joy, Kolkata. He is the founder of this blog and covers a wide range of topics from Gadgets to Software to Latest Offers. You can get in touch with him via nirmal@hitricks.com