[Guide] How to Install Phoenix OS on your PC? (UEFI / Legacy)

Phoenix OS is an Android Operating System made for computers. Yes, you heard it right. You can now run Stock Android 5.1.1 on your PC.

Phoenix OS is made keeping the Productivity of PC in mind and merging it with the user-friendly interface of Android.

You can get both the taste of running your favorite Android Apps and Games on it and also get your Professional Work Done with the lag free performance of your computer.

Another Android OS for Computer was released on 12th January, known as Remix OS. It also has a stunning UI, and if you love to taste it, you can Install Remix OS from here.

Features of Phoenix OS:

Phoenix OS is powerful and flexible. It has a user-friendly interface merged between Android and Windows to make you quickly familiar with it. You will get a classic PC experience over there.

[Guide] How to Install Phoenix OS on your PC? (UEFI / Legacy)


It runs on you computer, making its performance much better than a regular Android Device. You will never experience lags on it.

Windows Features Imported: Some classic Windows Features are imported inside Phoenix OS to help you out. It includes the task bar, the start button, the multi-window feature, the Title Bar for each Window with minimize, resize and close button, the keyboard shortcut keys, the right click feature and much more.

[Guide] How to Install Phoenix OS on your PC? (UEFI / Legacy)

It has got one of the most advanced file managers in the history of Android, mainly due to an extremely professional file explorer with lots of useful functionality integrated. And of course, you get the advantage of remaining on a pc there πŸ™‚

[Guide] How to Install Phoenix OS on your PC? (UEFI / Legacy)

It runs on Stardust Browser and not on the Default Android Browser. Stardust Browser is based on the Chromium Project (the same Google Chrome is made on). Hence, you can expect a fully functional Windows browser inside.

There is a notification bar with the quick settings so that you can access it from the home screen itself. The notification bar location is at the right bottom side, where the Windows 10 Notification Bar was located. But inside that you get notifications like any other Android Device.

Whenever you get a New Message, a small red light indicator will appear at the notification button by which you can get to know that you have pending notifications.

Free Word, Excel, and Powerpoint Software: Yes, Phoenix did not forget these three most used productivity tools, you can fully run these apps inside Phoenix and enjoy editing on Android the same way you do on Windows.

There are many more surprises, just jump into the world of Phoenix OS.

How to Install Phoenix OS on your PC?

Here we will install Phoenix OS on an external USB Flash Drive. So all your windows files will stay intact and untouched. None of your softwares and media on your Hard Disk and Windows OS will get deleted.

Each time you connect the USB Flash Drive and Boot, you will get to start on Phoenix OS, and after you are done, you can disconnect the Flash Drive and boot back to Windows.

So it is portable too, and after you had burned the Phoenix OS Image on your Flash Drive, you can just use it on any computer.

Well, the installation steps described here for Phoenix OS is made for both UEFI and Legacy Devices, you don’t have to worry about that. (If you don’t know these two terms, just skip it.)

Lastly,Β this version is currently made for 32-bit devices only. For the 64 bit devices, it isn’t supporting yet. But don’t yell, there is another Operating System for 64-bit device owners you can try out: Remix OS, yet another stunning Android OS for computers. Check out How to Dual Boot Remix OS with Windows.

Let’s begin with the installation procedure of this Operating System.

First of all, Download the Phoenix OS from here. It will be a zip file of around 370MB.

You need to download a USB Tool that will burn Phoenix OS on your USB Flash Drive to make it a bootable media. It can be downloaded from here. It is an exe file of less than 1MB.

Lastly, you need to have a USB Flash Drive. I will recommend at least 4GB of USB 3.0 Flash Drive with a writing speed of 20MBPS. If you don’t have one, .

So make sure you have all three of these before we proceed any further.

First Insert the USB Flash Drive into your computer.

After your computer detects it, Go to My Computer and Right Click on that Removable Storage and Click Format.

The Format Dialog Box will appear.

Choose Format type as extFAT or FAT32 and keep allocation unit size as it is, and click on Start.

[Guide] How to Install Phoenix OS on your PC? (UEFI / Legacy)

It will throw an error that all your media will be deleted, Click OK.

Wait for it to format it in FAT. It will show Format Complete Dialog Box after it completes Formatting.

Now, double-click on the USB Maker Burning Tool Exe file that you downloaded to run it.

[Guide] How to Install Phoenix OS on your PC? (UEFI / Legacy)

It will be on Chinese. But Don’t worry. I will help you out understanding it.

I have translated it in English, check out the picture below:

[Guide] How to Install Phoenix OS on your PC? (UEFI / Legacy)

Refer to the image as you follow the steps below:

On the Choose Zip Option, Click on Browse and Choose the Phoenix Operating System you downloaded.

On the Choose Drive to Install Button, choose the External USB Drive.

Finally, click on Start Button. You will get this warning Message.

[Guide] How to Install Phoenix OS on your PC? (UEFI / Legacy)

I am translating it for you. It says,

Are you sure?

  1. Make sure you take backup of the media.
  2. Ensure that you have chosen the correct drive.


Click YesΒ to start burning the Phoenix OS on your USB Flash Drive.


[Guide] How to Install Phoenix OS on your PC? (UEFI / Legacy)

After it finishes Burning Phoenix OS on your Computer, you are done and all set to Boot to the new Android on Computer.

Close all Windows and Click Restart Button. While clicking Restart Button Press the Shift Button too along with it.

This will open up the Boot from Device Recovery Menu. Click the Choose Other Operating System in the bottom.

[Guide] How to Dual Boot Remix OS with Windows [UEFI / Legacy]

This will load the Options Menu. Click Choose Other Options.

[Guide] How to Dual Boot Remix OS with Windows [UEFI / Legacy]

This will load Choose the other Options Menu. Click Use a Device.

[Guide] How to Dual Boot Remix OS with Windows [UEFI / Legacy]

Now, Choose Boot from USB Drive Option. This will help you boot from USB Drive.

[Guide] How to Install Phoenix OS on your PC? (UEFI / Legacy)

Note: My computer is UEFI hence it is showing UEFI, if you have legacy, you can try for legacy too.

Make sure your USB Drive is connected correctly. Now, wait till it boots from USB Drive.

First it boots up it will show up the Phoenix OS Logo.

[Guide] How to Install Phoenix OS on your PC? (UEFI / Legacy)

Finally, you can boot to Phoenix OS successfully. Congrats!

Keep exploring the Operating System.

That’s all. Thanks for reading our post on How to Install Phoenix OS.

Do share this post with your friends and help them install this beautiful Operating System and Taste the Android feel on their PC.

If you get stuck anywhere or have any other issues, don’t hesitate to comment below. πŸ™‚

Keep visiting HiTricks.

Nirmal Sarkar
Nirmal Sarkar

Nirmal Sarkar is a Biotechnologist from the city of Joy, Kolkata. He is the founder of this blog and covers a wide range of topics from Gadgets to Software to Latest Offers. You can get in touch with him via nirmal@hitricks.com

  1. Hi, I have a 32 bit Acer tablet which has a UEFI system. I created a USB boot with RUFUS but I am getting a Grub message on screen prompting for some commands (Line Bash etc), how to fix this error? I have tried Prime OS classic as well and have tried both MBR and GPT formats for the USB and NTFS and Exfat formats for the partition, while the installation happens successfully, when I try to boot into prime OS they boot screen stays black and doesn’t progress further. Any fixes here which you can suggest? Also is there any alternate android system which may be compatible with my tablet? I checked the links which you have given in the article, but the files don’t exist anymore. Would be grateful for your help here. Thanks in advance!

  2. Hi,
    I have a desktop computer running Windows 10 but my desktop is already 10 years old. Can I install the Phoenix OS following your steps and instructions? I have 6GB of ram.

  3. We dont have to install it in hdd

  4. It is running on usb or harddisk

  5. I have a problem every time i run pubg on Phoenix he give me a black screen any idea how to fix it please????

  6. made the usb version no problem. works great. now i would like to install on my hard drive using the phoenix os installer as it gives the option to make hd or usb . but it wont load up any advice would be gratefull. also does the usb version save your data as the remix os does not

  7. Reply
    Phoenix Plumber LLC March 20, 2018 at 8:14 am

    If thedre is demand about the 2 port valve but no ohtput then most likely the 2 port valve
    is faulty and requires to bbe replaced. Add enough water too the
    tub or shower sso the head from the plunger is submerged, and hold a wet washcloth tightly
    up aagainst the overfpow holes across the spout.
    This type of concern is solved by detaching the portion in the root creating the symptom in mild

  8. i am installing phoenix os without flash drive method and i can see its white logo since 50 mins i dont know am i doing it right or not. what could be the reason

  9. hey thanks for the help .. i had successfully installed Phoniex os on my pc.

  10. hey thanks for the help .. i had successfully installed Phoniex os on my pc.. but the thing is google play store, google play apps and google play services are not working .. please help me out .. even youtube is also not working..

  11. my pc can’t boot….please help me
    when i’m trying to installing phoenix os after few minutes installing progess automatically stoped….so help me please…i tried many times to installing that os but i can’t….!

  12. why is it not supporting net setters kindly help me please

  13. Will this delete all my file and the windows os?

  14. It is working fine. But , my works always deletes after every shut down or restart….My works are not saving.

  15. Just installed on imac, dual boot with win 7. So far it’s just at setup seen for 10 minutes. Seems to be loading on hard drive just taking way too long. I’ll update if it actually does boot.

  16. I have Samsung laptop and how to install phoneix os please help………….

  17. tried booting on laptop from a usb stick made on my PC, the boot failed now I can’t reboot my laptop. In fact I can’t even get into the setup screen.
    Can someone please help.

    Samsung – np550p5c
    1 tb

  18. hey thanks for the help .. i had successfully installed Phoniex os on my pc.. but the thing is google play store, google play apps and google play services are not working .. please help me out .. even youtube is also not working..

    • Hi, You are NOT ALONE. Everyone of us is in the same problem. Actually in their country Google services does not work and hence they did not include support for the same. XDA Developers are trying to make a google service that can support phoenix. Till then, enjoy the other features. Thanks.

  19. Thanks Nirmal Sarkar for the efforts you made and i am eagerly waiting for Installing & Booting Phoenix from PC (Dual Boot)..
    If you post , please let me know…

    Thanks in advance..
    1 more question how to increase the domain authority????

  20. Is it better than remix os?

  21. Using Phoenix OS and Remix OS. In both cases Wi-Fi is not working. It is not finding any networks. Please help. But I tried it on my friends laptop, in his wifi is working for both cases.

  22. Comment:Any method – How to root pheonix os?

  23. i keep getting an error message after pressing yes on the usb tool

  24. I m using a wireless adapter on PC is there any way to get it working at phoenix os

  25. hey thanks for the help .. i had successfully installed Phoniex os on my pc.. but the thing is google play store, google play apps and google play services are not working .. please help me out .. even youtube is also not working..

  26. I installed the latest version of Phoenix OS on USB and booted up It works very smooth every thing is very nice but I have Broadcom wireless 802.11n USB Wireless LAN Card. When I switch WiFi On, it doesn’t see any networks. Is it supported or not? How to fix this issue?

  27. i am install this but not able to connect with internet with my net setter

  28. I have fulfilled all the conditions, but the system does not boot, boot the system stops –

  29. Help plece , I have fulfilled all the conditions, but the system does not boot, boot the system stops –

  30. I’ve installed Phoenix os in nexus 7 2012 but couldn’t figure out how to install google play store… Tried 360 on Phoenix os and doesn’t work… Would you please help me out?

  31. Is it really bootable in a 32 bit pc?

  32. Is it really bootable in a 32bit machine? I tried remix os 2.0 in my old laptop and it failed to boot.

  33. Hi,and to install on internal drive?

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