How to Make a Flyer in Pages?

When it comes to advertising papers, the most obvious variant to go for is a flyer. It is wonderful, both printed and digital, and it lets target audiences discover more about your products and offers in the market. Instead of preparing gorgeous layouts bear-handed, consider the advancement in technologies and the abilities they provide. There are so many unique applications to test, especially for Mac users, and Apple Pages will be a nice sample.

Simply put, it is an analog to Microsoft Word on Windows. The first version was established back in 2005, and it has been significantly modified since then. Nowadays, it is a great start for many skill-level designers to create their stunning projects on iOS, iPad, and macOS. You are always welcome to combine its performance with alternative software, but let’s first check the basic approach to deal with it.

Step 1: Create a File:

The program’s interface is pretty intuitive, which lets you easily differentiate how to operate the free space of a template. You can modify the paper size as well as document margins. Taking into account that you create a flyer, it is a good opportunity to pick up either custom or standard sizes:

  • You can design and print rather minimalistic layouts, making them 5.8 by 4.1 inches (also known as the A6 format).
  • For more unparalleled and eye-catching experiences, it is a great option to experiment with flyers’ space orientation and come up with non-typical forms or sizes. For example, the so-called dimension lengthwise option will reach 8.3 by 3.9 inches and perform stunningly.
  • To remain classic in your branding and styling, pick up a letter size for flyers, namely, 8.3 by 11.7 inches or 8.5 by 11 inches.

Whatever your consideration is, consider what your marketing campaign is about. If you plan on printing all the materials, it is better to ensure the paper resources applied will be used to the fullest. Programs like Swift Publisher will be a stunning decision for desktop publishing at home — you can pick up the most desired document formatting and color palette (switching from RGB to CMYK) or other features to ensure the details are crisp and clear (for instance, adjusting bleeds to avoid blank or misprinted areas).

How to Make a Flyer in Pages?

Step 2: Work on the Text Body:

Flyers don’t have to be as descriptive as books, and you can present the requested details in different image layers. The use of colors (like red signs for sales) will help you increase the value of the message. To ensure your call to action is precise and comprehensive, the following will be a must:

  • Don’t play with overly metaphoric descriptions and long sentences — you don’t sell a fairy tale. Your primary task is to present a particular service/product/event to your target audiences and engage them wholeheartedly. Giving your preference to information displayed in a brief and readable form won’t lead you wrong.
  • Consider the visual appeal of the text. It is unnecessary to play with too many fonts or other text specifications. The best decision would be to simply select separate fonts for important notes, headers, and the main message body.

Try to print a few templates and compare them. In Apple Pages, Mac users can overview their projects, adding customer quotes, credentials, and contact information to the list. Thanks to extra services from Swift Publisher, you can work with 3D heading samples and other non-standard fonts (this flyer maker for Mac is tuned with Art Text for more magnificent lettering).

Step 3: Work on Images:

Plain text messages won’t grasp as much attention as desired, so working on auxiliary means to enhance the information value is a good thing. The best way to create flyers on Mac is to check the background and infographic details the template will include. On the contrary, stuffing the layout with so many bright and different-layered details won’t benefit Mac users in the long run.

In Apple Pages, interested parties can add photos or illustrations and control their transparency. It is a wonderful feature to let the text and pictures coexist on the same canvas harmoniously. In Swift Publisher, for example, you will find several packages with stock-free and top-notch images to use, so this duo is extremely advantageous for both beginners and experienced designers on Mac.

The Takeaway:

Working with advanced programs might be really devastating — there are several solutions that take too much time and effort to simply grab it through. From this perspective, to preserve the expected simplicity of creating flyers on Mac and printing the achieved designs, the use of the right application is the answer. There are a plethora of solutions to take into account apart from Apple’s Pages.

How to Make a Flyer in Pages?

With the help of Swift Publisher, it is not a problem to create any layout from scratch or adjust one of the available templates in the gallery. 

Nirmal Sarkar
Nirmal Sarkar

Nirmal Sarkar is a Biotechnologist from the city of Joy, Kolkata. He is the founder of this blog and covers a wide range of topics from Gadgets to Software to Latest Offers. You can get in touch with him via

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