How to enable Hyper-V Virtual Machine on Windows 11?

Virtual Machine software come in handy if users want to explore or work on different operating systems without installing them parallelly on their computers. This feature allows users to use multiple operating system environments without consuming much physical space and saves the effort of switching between different OSes repeatedly. You can easily Install Windows Subsystem for Android after enabling this tool.

Hyper-V is an inbuilt feature in Windows that allows users to create multiple Virtual Machines without installing any third-party software. Many users are unaware of this feature and rely on third-party hypervisors as a medium to virtually install operating systems.

So in this post, we will discuss the methods you can use to enable this feature on your Windows. Here’s an overview:

Before we proceed to the installation process, let’s have a look at the minimum requirements to enable Hyper-V on your system.

Minimum System Requirements for enabling Hyper-V:

To enable Hyper-V on Windows 11, you may need to check these listed requirements on your PC first. Only if you have these fulfilled, you will be able to use Hyper-V on your system.

  • CPU: You need a 64-bit CPU with Second Level Address Translation (SLAT) support. If you have a 32-bit CPU or your CPU doesn’t support SLAT, you cannot enable Hyper-V on your system.
  • Windows Version: You need Windows 11 Pro or higher versions installed in your system. If you are on the Windows 11 Home, you need to follow some extra steps to enable Hyper-V.

If you haven’t installed Windows 11 yet, check out How to Download & Install Windows 11 on your PC.

How to enable Hyper-V on Windows 11 home?

Let’s discuss the steps you need to follow for activating Hyper-V on your system. If you are not a user of Windows 11 Home, then you can skip this part.

  1. Open Notepad and paste the following code into it.

    pushd "%~dp0"
    dir /b %SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\*Hyper-V*.mum >hv.txt
    for /f %%i in ('findstr /i . hv.txt 2^>nul') do dism /online /norestart /add-package:"%SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\%%i"
    del hv.txt
    Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Hyper-V -All /LimitAccess /ALL
    How to enable Hyper-V Virtual Machine on Windows 11?
  2. Press Ctrl+S on your keyboard or click on the Save as option in the File menu. Then, save the file as “hv.bat” at any location in your system and click the Save option.How to enable Hyper-V Virtual Machine on Windows 11?
  3. Next, go to the saved location and Right-click on the file you saved. Then, choose the Run as administrator option.
  4. Now, wait for the code to run in the terminal. Once, it is done, it will ask you if you want to restart your device or not. Press Y to continue and restart your system.How to enable Hyper-V Virtual Machine on Windows 11?
    After your device has restarted, you will be able to see Hyper-V Manager on your computer.

Hardware Virtualization Enabled: If the other two requirements are satisfied on your PC, then there’s only one left. In the BIOS of your PC, the Virtualization Technology option should be enabled to access Hyper-V.

To enable hardware virtualization in your BIOS, follow the steps mentioned below.

Enabling Hardware Virtualization in BIOS:

Steps to enable Virtualization Technology are as follows:

NOTE: These steps are based on the BIOS interface of an ASUS laptop. The terms, location of the menu, or keys may vary depending on the manufacturer of your PC, but the steps involved and concept remain the same.

  1. Restart your PC. As soon as you see the logo of the manufacturer on your screen, press F2/F10 to enter the BIOS instantly (You can simply google ‘boot key for <your PC model>’ to know the boot key for your PC).
    How to enable Hyper-V Virtual Machine on Windows 11?
  2. Click on the Advanced Mode option at the bottom-right of your screen or press F7 on your keyboard.
    How to enable Hyper-V Virtual Machine on Windows 11?
  3. Select the Advanced option in the menu.
    How to enable Hyper-V Virtual Machine on Windows 11?
  4. Find the Virtualization Technology option.
  5. If Virtualization Technology is already enabled in your system, you must leave it as it is and skip this step. But, if you have it disabled, then click on the Disabled option and enable it.
    How to enable Hyper-V Virtual Machine on Windows 11?
  6. Now that you have your virtualization technology enabled, move over to the Save & Exit option on the top menu. Then, click on Save Changes and Exit.
    How to enable Hyper-V Virtual Machine on Windows 11?
  7. Select Ok.
    How to enable Hyper-V Virtual Machine on Windows 11?

Then, your PC will restart on its own saving the changes you made. And now that you have your Virtualization Technology enabled, you can go ahead and enable Hyper-V in your Windows without any trouble. Follow the methods given below to enable Hyper-V smoothly in your system.

Method 1: Enable Hyper-V using Control Panel:


  1. Search for “Turn Windows features on or off” on your system and click on it.
    How to enable Hyper-V Virtual Machine on Windows 11?
  2. Look for Hyper-V in the list and click on the + icon to expand it.
  3. Now check both the boxes inside Hyper-V and click Ok.How to enable Hyper-V Virtual Machine on Windows 11?
  4. Wait for a couple of seconds while Windows searches for some required files in your system.
  5. After the process is complete, click on the Restart now option at the bottom of the box to finish installing Hyper-V on your system.
  6. After completing all these steps, Hyper-V will be activated on your system.

Method 2: Enable Hyper-V using Command Prompt:


  1. Search for “command prompt” on your system and run it as administrator.
  2. Now, paste the following code in the command prompt.

    DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /All /FeatureName:Microsoft-Hyper-V

    How to enable Hyper-V Virtual Machine on Windows 11?

  3. Wait for the command prompt to run the code and complete the process. Then, if asked to restart your PC, click Y on your keyboard.
    After your PC restarts, you will have your Hyper-V enabled on your system.

Method 3: Enable Hyper-V using Powershell:


  1. Search for “PowerShell” on your system and right-click on it to run it as an administrator.
  2. Now, paste the following code and hit Enter on your keyboard.

    Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V -All

    Wait for the code to run.
    How to enable Hyper-V Virtual Machine on Windows 11?

  3. After completing the process, if asked to restart your system, then press Y, or else you will be displayed the information “RestartNeeded: False” on your screen.
    How to enable Hyper-V Virtual Machine on Windows 11?
  4. After you have restarted your PC, your changes will be saved and Hyper-V will be enabled on your system.


In this article, we have discussed all the possible methods you can use to install Hyper-V on your Windows 11. We discussed enabling Hyper-V using the control panel, command prompt, and PowerShell in detail. We also provided you with the solution to run Hyper-V on your Home version of Windows 11. Feel free to ask your queries in the comment section below, and you can also let us know if you face any difficulty while running the codes given.

Thank you for reading. We will be back soon with other updates. Keep visiting HiTricks. Don’t forget to join our Telegram Channel for the latest tech updates.

Sumit Panwar

I’m a CSE student, technical blogger, writer, and graphic designer. I love writing about upcoming technologies, hardware, and the topics revolving around them.

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