Download Aarogya Setu App: Local COVID Tracker

The coronavirus pandemic has started to affect thousands of people in India, and India is already observing a nation-wide lockdown to prevent it from spreading everywhere. All non-essential services are off the grid for now.

But a lot of us still need to go out every day to provide essential services. Be it bank officials, shopkeepers, vegetable merchants, newspaper vendors, or the solid waste carrying personnel; everyone is still at risk of getting infected.

Even you, me, and all the ordinary people are at risk whenever we go out for buying groceries or food items.

Luckily, Govt. of India has come to our rescue. They have released an app called Aarogya Setu that can help you track COVID19 in your locality as well as throughout the country.

Aarogya Setu app will help you stay alert about coronavirus information as well as notify you if you possibly crossed paths with someone who is infected with the virus.

In today’s post, I will discuss the Aarogya Setu app, how to use the app, and how to stay alert.

Do check our related posts:

So, let’s get started!

Aarogya Setu Announcement:

The Govt of India announced the Aarogya Setu Mobile Application on 2nd April 2020. Soon after, they started widespread campaigns to promote the application.

Apart from random Whatsapp message forwards, I got to know about Aarogya Setu from Google and Facebook Ads, Media Handles in Twitter, Emails, and SMS right from the Central Govt themselves. It seems to me that the Govt. of India wants to promote this application so much that everyone keeps it installed in their device.

I even got bank emails recommending me to download the application. I guess they will also print newspaper ads and run television ads very soon.

The Aarogya Setu Official Twitter Handle was formed on 4th April 2020. They published some promotional and informational stuff over there. I went through them thoroughly before writing this post.

Aarogya Setu App: How does it work?

Aarogya Setu is India’s official local Coronavirus Pandemic Tracker App. The most helpful feature of the app is notifying you, whether you are in a region that is possibly infected.

This is done using the help of Location Services, as well as your device Bluetooth.

While it uses the Location Services to predict the infected places accurately, Bluetooth is used to scan nearby devices that have the Aarogya Setu application installed.

How will that help?

Imagine this: You are outside for buying groceries. You meet with five people at the grocery store. But after you come back from the store, one of the five people you met starts showing symptoms of COVID19. If that person registers that he is showing signs, Aarogya Setu will notify you, and all other users who were nearby that person for the last two weeks.

For both the person showing symptoms and those alerted via the app, Aarogya Setu will recommend them to get tested at nearby hospitals.

One more thing, as all the patient database is with the Govt of India, another way of tracking down close contacts will be from the patient’s phone number. So, suppose you are infected, your Aarogya Setu will automatically register you as a COVID positive individual, and continue to notify others.

Both ways, it is quite effective in identifying potential threats and recommending them to get tested. This is a good thing, especially in a country like India that has 130+ Crores Population, where you cannot just pick everyone and test since that will require an enormous amount of resources.

But this Aarogya Setu App will help to bring down the number of testing significantly.

So, as you can imagine, this application is run by crowdsourced information. In that case, it is essential to make every smartphone user use this application so that they stay updated and get alerts.

Other features of the app include:

  • COVID19 Helpline Numbers: It has a statewide list of helpline numbers that you can dial to inform or get information about coronavirus.
  • COVID19 Risk Assessment Test: This is a self-assessment test based on AI. Anyone can take this test. You will be asked some basic questions and asked about symptoms. It will let you know if you are possibly infected.

Download Aarogya Setu App:

Aarogya Setu App is available for both Android and iOS users. You can download them from below:

Download Aarogya Setu Apk for Android

Download Aarogya Setu App for iOS

  • Download and Install the App from Google Play Store or App Store.
  • Open the App.
  • Choose your language. Apart from English and Hindi, it supports nine more regional languages.
  • You would have to permit to share your Device Location, Bluetooth and Data Sharing with the Govt. of India. This is important for the app to function. So, accept the Terms and Conditions by clicking ‘I agree’.
  • Enter your Mobile Number and verify OTP.
  • Now you will come to the main dashboard of the Aarogya Setu app.
  • You can see your status of infection from there. It will show ‘You are safe’ if you are in quarantine.
  • You can take the ‘Self Assessment Test’ to further analyze your symptoms and know whether you might be infected. Remember to provide correct data so that both you and others nearby are safe.

Note: Always allow this app to access your ‘Location’ and ‘Bluetooth’ services. It uses these data to function correctly.

Last Words:

That’s all about Aarogya Setu App. I hope this app helps you to stay safe.

If you have any further queries about the app, let me know in the comments section below. I will be happy to help.

And remember to share this post with all your friends so that it reaches everyone. The concept of this app will be successful only if we can bring our friends and relatives on board. Use the social share buttons below.

Thank You for reading until the end. I will be back with another exciting update very soon.

Till then, here are some exciting ‘Freebies’ for you in case you are in Home Quarantine:

Stay Safe! Keep others safe. 🙂


Nirmal Sarkar
Nirmal Sarkar

Nirmal Sarkar is a Biotechnologist from the city of Joy, Kolkata. He is the founder of this blog and covers a wide range of topics from Gadgets to Software to Latest Offers. You can get in touch with him via

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