7 Ways to Stay Safe Online: Things to Do and Things Not to Do

Your internet privacy is in your own hands and depends on your usage patterns. You need to stay safe online to ensure your privacy isn’t breached.

We can’t disconnect from the internet completely. Nor is there any possibility for us to keep our data offline rather than online. The fact is we are all dependent on the internet whether it be for work purposes, saving documents, or doing leisure activities. Moreover, online transactions are part of our daily lives such as shopping online, transferring funds from one account to another, and so forth, and so on.

With all of those activities, your data is vulnerable to privacy and security issues. The information you store and transactions you make online are not safe. However, some security and privacy tips help you stay safe online. Earlier I discussed some security tips to protect yourself from Ransomware Attacks. In today’s post, let’s find how you can stay safe from the hands of hackers and scammers with some easy security tips.

7 Ways to Stay Safe Online: Things to Do and Things Not to Do

Stay Safe on Social Media Networks:

We all love spending time on social networks. From restaurant checkouts to posting our selfies, everything we share is visible to the public. But you should be vigilant about what information you are sharing on social networks. Make some changes in the privacy and setting of respective social media accounts so that criminals cannot access your details.

Social media is also widely used for brand promotion and marketing. If you have millions of followers on your social network, you might not like to put your account in danger. To stop hackers from accessing your account, make sure to create a strong password. Some social media accounts also ask for two-step verification before accessing your account. Take the necessary steps and stay safe online.

Subscribe to Security Suite of Your ISP:

Finding the best internet package is one of the challenges most of the users face. Although most of the ISPs are protected from external security threats, still some of the service providers offer an extra layer of protection. If you are currently using Spectrum internet, it offers a security suite with many notable features such as automatic virus removal, firewall, browsing protection, anti-bot scanner, and online parental controls.

Most of the ISPs offer it for free with their internet packages. In case you have any queries, you can call the customer support of the respective service provider.

Update Your Computer and Mobile Devices Frequently:

7 Ways to Stay Safe Online: Things to Do and Things Not to Do

Some people try to avoid installing the updates on their PCs because it consumes a lot of time. These updates are injected into your system to enhance security bugs prevailing currently. Don’t get super lazy as it will help you enhance the security of your system.

Mobile devices are also widely used to do activities like making transactions, online shopping, and accessing your bank account. Don’t ignore the updates that are still showing in your notification bar. It is better to take out some time for updates before you lose all your data.

Two-Step Authentication:

Most of the big enterprises including PayPal, Google, and Facebook offer two-step authentication. The code is sent to the user’s device to check whether it is another attempt to hack the account, or the person himself is trying to sign in. This is a masterstroke move that can protect you from unauthorized sign-ups, and you can stay safe online.

Some companies also ask for an alternative email address or personal mobile number. If anyone tries to access your account from his device, a message will be sent to you requiring additional verification.

Backup Your Data on Cloud:

Big and small enterprises must keep their data secure and safe. In case the files are corrupted or the device is stolen, there must be a backup to save time and money. Instead of relying on your external storage device, it is better to backup your data on the cloud to stay safe online. In recent times, cloud computing has gained massive traction due to its reliability, accessibility, and security.

Microsoft and Amazon are two big names that allow you to store data on the cloud. Whether it be a legal document of your house or some stuff relevant to your workplace, the cloud is undoubtedly a secure solution.

Never Store Your Credit Card Information:

7 Ways to Stay Safe Online: Things to Do and Things Not to Do

You may have observed that most of the e-commerce apps ask you to store the credit card details so that you may not have to enter the details every time. As far as the device is with you, there is no harm. But are you sure no one is going to mug you in the street, or how sure are you that you may not lose your device anytime? It is better not to store any kind of credit card details anywhere in the cloud so that you can stay safe online.

Don’t Click Without Confirming:

You may receive an email claiming that you have won $1000 for participating in the contest. To claim the prize, you need to click the link given in the email. Just be wary of these scammers because they are harmful to your computer – possibly a malware that wants to control your system. Stay away unless you are dead sure that the email is sent by an authorized company or person.

Last Words:

So these are 7 easy ways that will ensure you stay safe online and don’t get duped or fall prey easily. Cultivate these as your daily habits and you will soon be able to save yourself from all internet scams. Keep your eyes wide open and look for clues. Remember, the key is to stay conscious and stay aware!

Thank you for reading. Do share this post with your friends. And if you have any further queries, don’t forget to comment below. I will be happy to help. Keep visiting HiTricks for more tech tips and tricks. Also do not forget to join our Telegram Channel to get updates.

Nirmal Sarkar
Nirmal Sarkar

Nirmal Sarkar is a Biotechnologist from the city of Joy, Kolkata. He is the founder of this blog and covers a wide range of topics from Gadgets to Software to Latest Offers. You can get in touch with him via nirmal@hitricks.com

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