Hello. Welcome to HiTricks! Learn Earn Gain…Its Fun. Here we will discuss about some unputdownable plugins for your blog so that it is optimized to get ranked on google, becomes user friendly and more attractive to look. Remember, installing them is not mandatory and depends upon your choice. However, these helps newbies to set up their wordpress efficiently. So, shall we begin?
The important wordpress plugins are discussed below. Though we gave the plugin download links fom wordpress.org main website, you can get them easily from Plugins > Add New from where you can directly apply to your website. After you download plugins, you need to activate them.
The all in one seo package and probably the best free seo plugin. You must install this if you want to rank your blog.
This plugin has many customizations required for seo. It will help to submit your site to webmasters, writing your post, writing your post meta tag, language readablity, keyword stuffing density and much more. Install this and try to explore its different properties. We will explain them in details some other time.
(Try to download from your own wordpress plugin directory instead of the official wordpress.org, because its easier and direct install. This link requires you to manually download and then upload it to your wordpress by clicking Upload Plugin on the toip of Add New Plugin page. This is not recommended)
A basic comments plugin with captcha. Recommended if you need to block spammers. In wordpress too many people spams to get backlinks to their site, this plugin blocks that. Also all comments will be in moderation until you approve them. But this plugin will auto trash the spam comments, without letting you know, which is a great feature. Who likes getting an email about pending comments every few mins?
3. Google Analytics Dashboard for WP:
This is essential to track traffic stats to your website. You need to configure it with Google Analytics to work. You need an analytics account and then you need to link your site to analytics. Everything you can do from this plugin. You need not visit analytics to know your website stats, you can know in depth from your wordpress dashboard.
This is your bunch of traditional share tools. This will create a share widget below each of your post. From there users can share your article to anywhere, various kinds of buttons are available and a lot of social networks are supported. The buttons are neat and attractive too.
This plugin helps your webpage load faster, optimize it, saves it from malicious attacks and protects it. It also displays each and every traffic details of your website. You can know who visited your website when, which pages he visit, when he left and all other details. You can also see his location and ip address and also has an option to block an ip. This is important for some security reasons. You can detect any spammer and block his ip adress so that he may not see your website ever again.
Need images for your blog? Do you search google for an image and then input its url on your blog? Well, that’s obviously helping that other blog but is not at all helpful for your blog. For blogging you need to upload your own unclaimed uncopyrighted images with your link. But often its hard to make images. Then Pixabay helps you. It gives you a collection of royalty free images that you can use. Remember, this also gives credit to pixabay, but keeping the url for the image as yours, which is better.
7. EWWW Image Optimizer: / Shortpixel Image Optimizer:
Both these plugins are equally helpful in reducing and compressing your wordpress images. They offer both lossy and lossless image compression options. However, Shortpixel has more customization options, for example, it offers WebP Format, in case a user needs more compression. Ewww, on the other hand, can be handy in case the user needs to bulk compress all his previously uploaded images. Your 1-2MB images will compress down to, say 10-20kb and that too, without any blurring of the image. This helps a lot it loading your web page quickly. After all, nobody wants to visit sites that take too long to respond. This also helps by taking less disk space.
Newsletters are extremely necessary for your blog. Only this has the magic capability to turn your visitors into subscribers. It works in 2 ways, both actively or passively. Either you sign up on Mailchimp or Aweber and gather emails there and send newsletters manually as often you like, or just directly link your Feedburner with it and just forget it. It will automatically ask for emails, and turn them to your subscribers, and the rest is done by Google themselves. It sends email to your subscribers as soon as you publish any new article.
9. UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup:
Your website is the responsibility of yours. You own it from beginning to end. So you must take care of its backups. In blogger, we used google hosting, so if any wrong codes were found, google simply rejected saving it. But on wordpress, once a wrong code is placed in any template html, it may crash your website completely in the worst case scenario. It is better to have a regular backup beforehand for emergency restorations. Simply use this plugin for the same. It needs configuration. The good part is it can backup to your google drive account, making it more strong, as the entire files are safely stored in cloud. You can restore them later.
This is the plugin you need to earn from wordpress. This enables your wordpress account to show Google Ads and earn from it. This is essential for every blogger. Note that if you have self hosted wordpress, then try to apply for adsense using this plugin only, avoiding the traditional method of manual ad placement. This is fast too, and require less hastle, everything is automatically controlled.
These were the 10 must have wordpress plugins that helps every blogger to grow up his blog efficiently. Thanks for reading. Do share if you like the article. Keep visiting.
This is the end of session 9 of our How to Blog sessions. Continue to session 10: How to use Google Keyword Planner for SEO? or start from session 1: How to Blog?
Tags: wordpress plugins
Nirmal Sarkar is a Biotechnologist from the city of Joy, Kolkata. He is the founder of this blog and covers a wide range of topics from Gadgets to Software to Latest Offers. You can get in touch with him via nirmal@hitricks.com
Hi Nirmal,
The Google Publisher plugin has been removed from wordpress.org and is not available since 2017. Google recommend using the free (and more powerful) plugin Advanced Ads to integrate their ads. If you don’t know it yet, you should check it out: https://wordpress.org/plugins/advanced-ads/
Thanks for posting! 🙂
Welcome. Keep Visiting HiTricks.
Nice Share…Its Help A lot :